"Hey Craig,
Sorry for the super late reply… That happens from time to time. I had an email reply all ready to go the other day, and I have no idea what happened to it... Just poof, gone. And then I got crazy busy for a few days.
So, yeah… To continue on. As far as me getting into the BMX design arena, it was definitely a combination of who you know, and right place, right time. I bumped into Miron and Osato on a flight home from Toronto to Vancouver. They were flying back from doing halftime shows at a Raptors game, and I mentioned to Jay that if he needed any help with Chase Magazine, I'd be interested. He mentioned that they had had everything handled at that point, but he'd keep me in mind.
It was probably about 2 or 3 months after that, when Ken Paul approached me to see if I was interested in helping out with Chase Mag. He had just started issue 5 and needed some help designing a few spreads. That went well, and then he asked if I wanted to help with a website for the magazine. Back then, this would have been 2000, actually, late 1999. I'd never done any website stuff other than my own website which was pretty modest, but I was keen to learn more about web stuff, and this would be a project to kick my ass into forcing me to take the time and learn it. So it was on, and I developed the website, which almost became a full time job. We were updating the news almost daily, and adding all the feature stories from the magazine and putting them online as soon as the print edition went out – it was unheard of at the time, and none of the magazines are doing today. Not even the other free mags. It was pretty revolutionary stuff. Most of the other bike magazines barely had websites, so we were definitely pushing the boundaries there. The whole time I was doing this, I worked at a design studio, so I was doing this stuff at night, and since I was already collecting a salary, I was just doing all this work for bike parts and clothing. Which worked out well for both of us."
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